Official Nominees 2022
2022 Nobis Industry Icon Award
Jeff Churchhill
It is common knowledge that it takes a team to design a production, but it is not just the core team that matters - it is all the collaborators that bring the costumes to life on screen. Having the perfect clothing requires the perfect footwear - and that’s where Jeff comes in. Jeff and his team at his Jitterbug Boy shop are the wizards of sole. Since beginning his service of making bespoke shoes the industry embraced this resource and started to include custom footwear as an important part of the overall design of productions.
Excellence in Crafts - Illustration, Sponsored by IATSE 891
The Mysterious Benedict Society 102, Carrying a Bird
Illustrator: Terry Pitts
Costume Designer: Catherine Adair, Assistant Costume Designer: Sarah Steeves, Costume Supervisor: Eva Zawalak, BG Coordinator: Shelly Goldsack, Set Supervisor: Christine Plishka, Costumer: Michelle Murti, Cutter: Rosie Boland, Head Costume Buyer: Adam Dekeyser, Key Breakdown: Artist Ellie Shultz, Textile Artist: Hollie McBeth
Snowpiercer 201, The Time of Two Engines
Illustrator: Keith Lau
Costume Designer: Caroline Cranstoun, Assist. Costume Designer: Kevin Knight, Costume Coordinator: Kurtis Reeves
WINNER Schmigadoon! 102, Lovers' Spat
Illustrator: Keith Lau
Costume Designer: Tish Monaghan, Asst Costume Designer: Summer Dietz, 2nd Asst Costume Designer: Nancy Bryant, Costume Supervisor: Jennifer Grossman, Costume Illustrator: Terry Pitts.
Excellence in Crafts - Building
Nightmare Alley
Cutting Team: Nightmare Alley Cutting Team
Costume Designer: Luis Sequeira, Costume Cutter/Tailor: Philip Atfield, Costume Cutter: Loreen Lightfoot, Costume Cutter: Carla Mingiardi, Costume Cutter: Tamiyo Tomihiro, Costume Cutter: Ahmad Zargaran
What We Do In The Shadows 309, A Farewell
Cutter: Carla Mingiardi
Costume Designer: Laura Montgomery, Sewer: Judy MacDougall, Sewer: Ying Zhao, Textile Artist: Madeline Brian
When Calls The Heart 812, The Kiss
Head Cutter: Elena Gregusova
Costume Designer: Barbara Gregusova, Asst. Designer: Martin Gregus, Seamstress: Andrea Delano Cutter/ Seamstress: Jennifer Bond
Star Trek: Discovery 401, Kobayashi Maru
The Star Trek: Discovery Build Team
Costume Designer: Gersha Phillips, Head Cutter: Monique MacNeill, Cutters: Kim Crossley, Ashley McKee, Reilly Kizer & Glen McClintock, First Hand: Chloe Tekavcic, Sewers: Karen Merriam, Malia Janveaux, Marie Glass, Leanne Reimer, Jane Haselgrove, Tori Lang, Catherine Brodeur, Bianca Tufford, Iliana Harendorf, & Emaan El-Houini
Excellence in Crafts - Textiles
Key Breakdown Artist: Kim Lennox
Costume Designer: Danny Glicker, Assistant Breakdown Artist: Karen Klassen, Breakdown Artist: Jessica Hayward, Breakdown Artist: Barb Maier, Breakdown Artist: Jenna Giacomelli, Breakdown Artist: Yvonne Mullock
Key Breakdown Artist: Lanny Campbell, Assistant Breakdown Artist: Samantha Stroman, Breakdown Artist: Ellie Schultz, Dyer: Carolyn Bentley
Costume Designer: Louise Mingenbach, Assistant Designer: Koreen Heaver, Costume Supervisor: Janice MacIsaac
Peacemaker 107, Stop Dragon My Heart Around
Key Breakdown Artist: Lanny Campbell, Assistant Breakdown Artist: Samantha Stroman, Breakdown Artist: Chieh Huang
Costume Designer: Shay Cunliffe, Costume Designer: Karin Nosella, Assistant Costume Designer: Paula Plachy, Costume Supervisor: Jessica Lythgoe-Green, Speciality Costumer: Tannis Hegan, Cutter: Kieu Nguyen
Co Key Breakdown Artist: Meghan Ancheta, Co Key Breakdown Artist: Mélanie Turcotte
Costume Designer: Luis Sequeira, Key dyer: Tamara Rigby-Funke, Assistant Breakdown Artists: Katy Clement, Debbie Williams, Robert Welsh, Karen Rodd & Jonathan Girard
Star Trek: Discovery, 401 Kobayashi Maru
Key Textile Artist: Bonnie McCabe,Textile Artist: David Webb, Textile Artist: Chantelle Hermiston, Textile Artist: Urs Dierker
Costume Designer: Gersha Phillips
Excellence in Crafts - Special Effects Costume Building
Batwoman 218, Power
Design Team: Batwing Design Team
Costume Designer: Maya Mani, Assistant Costume Designer: Diana Patterson, Costume Coordinator: Roza Murphy, Prep Costumer: Tina Dumais, Lead Cutter/Pattern Maker: Keith Christensen, Project Coordinator: Darryl Christensen, 3D Graphic Design: Justin Monk, 3D Modeller: Anna Lassner, Laser Cut and 3D Print Technician: Chris Martinusen, Casting and Moulding Lead: Alaina Lander, Casting and Moulding Assistants: Sonny Witwicki, Adam White, LED lighting Design and Lighting Fabrication: Corey Peters, Stitchers: Edmond Santelices, Lee-Anne Styan, Roxy Buchanan, Madeline Perry, Kaleigh Wagner, Boot construction: Jared Lobel, Ken Lobel, Mask construction: James Fairley, Battery Components: Carolyn McCauley and Rob Huestis, Props Master: Paxton Downard, Assistant Props Master: Anthony Vani
What We Do In The Shadows 307, The Siren
Builder: Judy MacDougall Key Breakdown Artist: Madeline Brian
Costume Designer: Laura Montgomery
Strangers- AirBnB
Lead Builder: Tannis Hegan, Lead Builder: Keith Arbuthnot
MastersFX shop, Creature Designer: Sonny Gerasimowicz
Star Trek: Discovery 401 Kobayashi Maru
Build & Sculpt Team: The Star Trek: Discovery FX Build & Sculpt Team
Costume Designer: Gersha Phillips, Key FX Costumer: James Bolton, Key FX Costumer: Saman Hamid, FX Costumer: Ray Wong, FX Costumer: Hayley Stolee-Smith, FX Costumer: Gwen Barton, FX Costumer: Matt Sherren, FX Costumer: Monica Lee, FX Costumer: Kiga Tymianski, FX Costumer: Heetesh Patel, FX Sculptor/Molder: Ananthy Rajah, FX Sculptor/Molder: Scott Patterson, FX Sculptor/Molder: Kevin Morra, FX Sculptor/Molder: Daniel Baker, FX Sculptor/Molder:Chris Cooper
Costume Design in Short Film
Costume Designer: Florence Barrett
Costume Designer: Crystal Silden
Assistant Designer: Kristen Somborac, Set Supervisor: Stacey Laliberte, Seamstresses: Catherine Staltari & Melinda Dempsey, Builder: Colin Wily
Costumes by: Greg Blagoev / Szoldier
Costume Set Supervisor: Tess Gebel
The Mush Hole
Costume Designer: Adriana Fulop, Costume Designer: Leigh Smith
Creative Director: Santee Smith
Costume Designer: Carmen Thompson
Set Supervisor: Jason Pillay
Costume Design in Web Series
Kidoodle TV, Story Snacks: What's the Word
Costume Designer: Rebecca Toon
Lockdown 11 Who is Question Mark Face?
Costume Designer: Melonie Lawrence
Narcoleap 201
Costume Designer: Karyna Barros
Assistant Designer: Robin Metcalfe
Styling/Costume Design in Music Videos and Commercials, Sponsored by Berman & Co.
Heritage Minute - The Discovery of Insulin
Costume Designer: Nicole McCormick
Costume Assistant: Mikaela Kinding, Costume Assistant: Aurelia Cerquozzi
Clean Sight" by A L L I E ft Casey MQ
Stylist: Jess Mori
Stylist: Assistant Cat Calica
Heroes Return - “Vancouver Canucks”
Costume Designer: Tammy Joe
Cutters: Bernarda Antony and Lore Penner, Builder: Hugh Tran, Breakdown Artist: Elizabeth Mazzoni, Set Supervisors: AJ Hartle and Stephanie Pols
Ontario Power Generation / Dam Ridiculous
Costume Designer: Marie-Eve Tremblay
Assistant Costume Designer: Megan Bonenfant, Custom Built Chest Waders and Hat: Izzy Camilleri
Costume Design in Indie Feature
Costume Designer: Emlyn Murray
Costume Designer: Courtney Mitchell
Assistant Designer: Meghan Torrado, Costume Assistant: Erin Logan
Costume Designer: Rafaella Rabinovich
Assistant Costume Designer: Chelsea Leach and Raven Olay, Set Supervisor: Terry Haws-Webb, Truck Costumers: Sherry L Randell , BG Costumers: Scott Moffat and Jaques Lamontagne, Breakdown Artist: Sage Lovett and team
Costume Designer: Florence Barrett
Prep Mentee: Becka Mack, Shoot Mentee: Caitlin Gilpin
A Nightmare Wakes
Costume Designer: Jennifer Stroud
Assistant Costume Designer: Jasmine Murray-Bergquist, Wardrobe Assistants: Veundja Katuuo, Madeleine Shepherd, Natalie Wrubleski & Katie Kahut
Costume Design in TV West - Contemporary, Sponsored by IATSE 873
Maid 109, Sky Blue
Costume Designer: Lorraine Carson
Assistant Designer: Kevin Knight, Supervisor: Kurtis Reeves, Set supervisor: Amy Spear, Truck Costumer: Jody Deruiter, BG Coordinator: Emily Laing, Set Costumers: Debbie Humphreys, Caitlin Krantz, Key Breakdown Artist: Karen Durrant, Breakdown Assist: Katharine Humber, Prep Costumers: Michelle Grossmith, Deborah Rodrigo-Tyzio, Royce Ribeiro, Buyers: Sheena Mair, Jordan Hintz, Caitee Williams, Meghan Paterson, Cutters: Djamila Hamani, Rosalie Boland
The Babysitters Club 203, Stacey's Emergency
Costume Designer:Ellen Anderson
Assistant Costume Designer: Patti Bishop, Costume Supervisor: Ivan Lehner, Prep Costumer / Buyer: Jane Bennett, Costume Coordinator: Laurel Morgan
Motherland Fort Salem 209, Mother of All, Mother of None
Costume Designer: Tracey Boulton
Assistant Designer: Elidh McAllister, Assistant Designer: Monique McRae, Costume Office Supervisor: Fiona Roberts, Coordinator (P/T): Petra Bergholz, Coordinator (P/T): Summer Sainaney, Assets Costumer: Chantal Richard, Prep Costumer: Kathleen Mulder, Buyer: Derek Perrett, Online Buyer: Victoria McPhedran, Buyer: Jamie Ochrey, Buyer: Karilynn Ming Ho, Cutter: Slavica Grkavac, Cutter: Irinia Shorohov, Stitcher: Kateryna Hajduk, Stitcher: Jacqueline Uthoff, Stitcher: Brooke Reid, Stitcher: Sahar Eslami, BG Coordinator: Charron Hume, BG Prep Costumer: Alita Gorgichuk, Breakdown Co-Lead: Tassie Vicars, Breakdown Co-Lead: Ciara Brady, Set Supervisor: Sherry Randall, Truck Costumer: Christine Stansbery, Set Assistant: Marie-Adeline Sekula, BG Set Supervisor: Ardyth Cleveland, BG Truck Costumer: Cadence Warner
Tribal 207 Starlight, Starbright
Costume Designer: Adejoke Taiwo
Assistant Costume Designer: Cathleen Gasca, Set Supervisor: Kristi Woo, Truck Costumer: Kate Klingvall, Bg Costumer: Yvonne Mullock
Jann 306, The Money Train
Costume Designer: Andre Ricard
Assistant Costume Designer: Jamie Block, Costume Coordinator: Brianna Maryon, Background Costume Coordinator: Caroline Walker, Truck Costumer: Devora Brown, Costume Set Supervisor: Tannis Moore, Costumers: Shelly Schwieder & Leah Scheitel, Senior Stitcher: Kathleen Morley
Costume Design in TV East - Contemporary, Sponsored by IATSE 873
Sort Of 101, Sort of Gone
Costume Designer: Shelley Mansell
Assistant Costume Designer: Juliann Wilding, Costume Buyer: Jo Jin, Costume Set Super: Lyndsay Reader, Costume Truck Super: Jade Braithwaite, Costume BG Coord: Genevieve Pearson, Cutter/Sewer: Angela Elter, Office Assist: Chantel Bedward
Ginny & Georgia 110, The Worst Betrayal Since Jordyn and Kylie
Costume Designer: Bernadette Croft
Assistant Costume Designer: Emily Jasper, Costume Supervisor: Christina Barry, Costume Buyers: Deb Burton, Hanne Whitfield, Heather English, Tania Ryndenko, BG Coordinator: Christie Del Monte, Cutter: Olena Fedorenko, Set Supervisor: Ahna Dunn-Wilder, Truck Supervisor: Estée Mancini, On Set Assistant: Ivy Hill, Money Tracker: Keith Wong
The Bold Type 506, I Expect you to Have Adventures
Costume Designer: Mandi Line
Supervisor: Art Reasonover, Coordinator: Vanessa Arguello, Assistant Designers: Roxane Vincen & Beatrice Tremblay Set: Helene Simard. Truck: Catherine Thiffault-Dumon
Kings of Napa, 101
Costume Designer: Michelle Lyte
Asst Designer: Jeannette Linton, Supervisor: Sophia Rickson, Costume Tracker: Diana Ivanova, Costume PA: Andrea Lyte, Buyers: Charlene Akuamoah , Diane Sobers, Roslyn Griffith-Hall, Sheronna Osbourne, Cutter: Galina Boitchouk, Sewer: Melanie Thompson, Set Supervisor: Adriana Fulop and Anessa Abdus-Samad, Truck supervisor/Cast Runner: Chantel Bedward, Second Truck Supervisor: Camie Manswell, BG Coordinator: Val Andrews, On Set BG: Annalise Ferrara, Costume Asst: Dennis Lewis, Ken Georgopoulos, Rohma Anzar-Dygon
Sex/Life, 108
Costume Designer: Avery Plewes
Costume Supervisor: Sophie King-Hyslop, Jane Fieber; Costume Buyers: Julia Cronin, Roslyn Griffith-Hall; Costume Set Supervisor: Kay Jameson; Truck Supervisor Liz Gregg; Background Costume Coordinator: Chelsea Graham; Office Coordinator Messina Salter; Costume Tracker Jeannine Palmer; #2 Dresser: Richard Autio, Asst Set Supervisor: Elizabeth Traicus
Costume Design in TV - Period, Sponsored by IATSE 873
Murdoch Mysteries 1405, Murdoch Checks In
Costume Designer: Joanna Syrokomla
Assistant Designer: Charlene Seniuk, Set Supervisor: Billie Blast, Basecamp Supervisor: Paul Breckenridge, Background Coordinator: Sophie Duguin, Cutter: Erika Hizo-Fulop, Tailor: Mary Furlong, Stitcher: Julia Hodgson,1st Assistant Costume: Anna Biron-Rogers
Riverdale 604, Chapter Ninety-Nine: The Witching Hour(s)
Costume Designer: Rebekka Sorensen-Kjelstrup
Assistant Costume Designer: Deneen McArthur, Assistant Costume Designer: Mary Wiseman, Assistant Costume Designer: Stephanie Pols, Costume Coordinator: Jordan Hintz, Costume Coordinator: Tabitha Savoie, Prep Costumer: Jessica Yeaman, Prep Costumer: Cecilia Ignacio, Prep Costumer/Breakdown: Nate Cook, Lead Buyer: Dayna Brown, Lead Buyer support: Jessica Ram, Buyer: Courtenay Mayes, Buyer Daria Magnusson, PT Online Buyer: Andrea, PT Buyer: Lisa Stary, Lead Cutter: Alina Babii, Senior Cutter: Lore Penner, Cutter: Tricia Boyko, Cutter: Danielle King, Cutter Sook Kim, Cuteer: Carissa Morrison, Seamstress Chelsea Wong Set Supervisor: Charlene Rowley, Set Supervisor: Cathie Mann, Truck Supervisor: Alex Hartle, Truck Supervisor: Erica Talmage, Assistant Truck Supervisor: Leeanne Mcpherson, Set assis:t Mel Alpe, BG Coordinator: Karen Van Es, Assistant BG Coordinator: Carita Kostyal, BG Set Supervisor Hayleigh Kennedy, BG Truck Supervisor: Amy Kikkert
DC Legends of Tomorrow 602, Meat The Legends
Costume Designer: Vicky Mulholland
Assistant Costume Designer: Leanne Clerihue, Cutter: Stephanie Kong, Cutter: Victoria Klippenstein, Stitcher: Jennifer Bond, Stitcher: Shirley Chan, Stitcher: Sarah Butler, Set Supervisor: Diva McDonald, Truck Supervisor: Melissa David, Truck Assist: Hannah Rose Taggart, Background Coordinator: Connie Hosie, Background Costumer: Cassey van der Merwe, Buyer: Ruby Woods, Buyer: Oriana Graber
The Porter 101
Costume Designer: Heather Neale
Costume Supervisor: Paula Dunfield, Cutter: Thora Lamont, Assistant Costume Designer: Brenda Zachanowich, Costume Buyer: Wanda Farian, Background Coordinator: Taryn Smith, Set Supervisor: TJ Kshymensky, Truck Supervisor: Carolyn Bradshaw, Costume Tracker: Chris Eastman, Key Breakdown Artist: Grant MacDonald, Costume Assistant: Joanne Rodriguez, Costume Assistant: Cheryl Green, Costume Assistant: Leah Stebelko, Cutter/Seamstress: Suman Faulkner, Seamstress: Barb Mackenzie, Seamstress: Joy Willis, Costume Assistant: Tess Furtado, Costume Trainee: Jackie Silla
Schmigadoon! 101, Schmigadoon
Costume Designer: Tish Monaghan
Assistant Designer: Summer Dietz, 2ND Assistant Designer: Nancy Bryant, Costume Supervisor: Jennifer Grossman, Buyer/Prep Costumers: Suzette Soloman & Colette Storey, Prep Costumers: Kim Bejar, Corinne Mameli & Ulrika Rosenblad, Head Cutter: Rosalie Lee, Cutters: Kieu Nguyen, Laszlo Marton, Tannis Hegan & Savino Peragine, Seamstresses: Patrice Yapp, Karen McVey, Kristina Alary, Caroline Cheng, Sisi Chan, Holly Anderson, Susan Raglin & Petra Wright, Breakdown Artists: Sage Lovett, Lanny Campbell, Chance Lovett & Samantha Stroman, Set Supervisor: Jeffrey Fayle, Truck Supervisor: Ali Kennedy, Dancer Set Supervisor: J.Paul Lavigne, BG Set Supervisor: Gina Hopkins, Set Costumers: Cat Mudryk, Heather Mitchell, Heather Mitchell, Valeria Maichen, Lise Hache & Jessica Pantella, Costume Illustrators: Keith Lau & Terry Pitts
Costume Design in TV - Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Sponsored by IATSE 873
Odd Squad 320, End of the Road
Costume Designer: Christine Toye
Costume Cutter: Alicia Zwicewicz, Costume Builders: Sandra Mandich & Ashley Gennuso & Wendi Speck, Specialty Costume Builder: Bonni Burns, Costume Assistant: Becky Wasser, Set Supervisor: Camilla Tamburini, On Set Assistant: Kayla Craig, Truck Supervisor: Lara Olanick
Superman and Lois 111, A Brief Reminiscence Between Cataclysmic Events
Costume Designer: Katrina McCarthy
Asst. Costume Designer: Kristen Meerse, Costume Coordinator: Tennille Oppen, Set Supervisor: Sonia Linder, Truck Costumer: Jen Waterhouse, Set Assist: Sarah Dalziel, Super Suit Costumer: Georgina Hargreaves, Truck Assist: Bernarda Antony, Buyer: Darrelle Griffiths, Buyer: Eli Finley, Buyer: Yordanos Isack, Prep Costumer: Zoe Watson-O’Connell, Prep Costumer: Denise Cullen, Cutter: Erin Goertzen, Cutter: Kerryn Williams, Key Breakdown Artist: Carly McAuley, Breakdown Artist: Leana McGregor, Breakdown Artist: Bunny Meugens, BG Coordinator: Jules Francisco, Key BG Costumer: Amanda Amos, Set Costumer: Josh Hoyles
What We Do In The Shadows 308, The Wellness Center
Costume Designer: Laura Montgomery
Assistant Costume Designer: Barb Cardoso, Costume Supervisor: Judy Laukkanen, Cutter: Carla Mingiardi, Sewer: Judy MacDougall, Sewer: Ying Zhao Buyer: Danielle Connor, Textile Artist: Madeline Brian, Set Supervisor: Kay Jameson, Assistant Set Supervisor: Rachel Ford, Truck Supervisor: Jeff Dineen, Assistant Truck Supervisor: Elizabeth Traicus, Costume Assistant: Ella Bakker-Moffitt, Costume Assistant: Shandra Romanoff, Background Coordinator: Jill Lerner, On-Set BG: Golbahar Adib, Additional Costume Building: Melinda Dempster
Snowpiercer, 209, The Show Must Go On
Costume Designer: Caroline Cranstoun
Assistant Costume Designer: Kevin Knight, Costume Coordinator: Kurtis Reeves, Data Entry: Petra Bergholz, Buyer #1: Jojo MacDowall, Buyer #2: Kristen Bond, Buyer #3: Meghan Patterson, Prep Costumers: Shelley Zabel, Kathleen Mulder, Daria Magnuson, Jill Kacic, & Jolyne Maier, Key Breakdown Artist: Tassi Vicars, Key Breakdown Artist: Leana McGregor, Breakdown Artist: Ciara Brady, Renee Hope Twaddle, Cutter #1: Alison Roy, Cutter #2: Tracey Carlisle, Cutter #3: Katerina Hajduk, Stitcher #1: Lavone Napier, Stitcher #2: Mariana Mah, Illustrator: Keith Lau, BG Coordinator: Caitlin Krantz, BG Prep Costumer: Mhelanni Gorre, BG Prep Costumer/ 2nd unit Set Supervisor: Sierra Kretlow, Set Supervisors: Thomas Pankiewich & Talia Bargero, Truck Supervisor: Emily Bennett, Truck Support: Cecilia Ignacio, BG Prep Costumer: Derek Perret
Star Trek: Discovery 401 Kobayashi Maru
Costume Designer:Gersha Phillips
Costume Supervisor: Sheryl Willock, Costume Supervisor: Becky Mackinnon, Assistant Costume Designer: Carly Nicodemo, Assistant Costume Designer: Camellia Koo, Assistant Costume Designer/BG Coordinator: Heather Constable, Assistant Costume Designer: Christina Cattle, Assistant Costume Designer: Laura Delchiaro, Buyer: Rashmi Varma, Buyer: Kaitlyn Fifield, Money Tracker: Tova Harrison, Costume Assistant/Assistant BG Coordinator: Bianka Meroe, Costume Assistant: Grace Whyte, Costume Assistant: Emmanuelle Kraus, Costume Assistant: Sam Baljet, Costume Assistant: Marlena Kaesler, Digital Asset Manager: Liam McCabe, Illustrator: Ciara Brennan, Illustrator: Christian Cordella, Head Cutter: Monique MacNeill, Cutter: Kim Crossley, Cutter: Ashley McKee. Cutter: Reilly Kizer, Cutter: Glen McClintock, First Hand: Chloe Tekavcic, Sewer: Karen Merriam, Sewer: Malia Janveaux Sewer: Marie Glass, Sewer: Leanne Reimer, Sewer: Jane Haselgrove, Sewer: Tori Lang, Sewer: Catherine Brodeur, Sewer: Bianca Tufford, Sewer: Iliana Harendorf, Sewer: Emaan El-Houini, Bonnie McCabe: Key Textile Artist, David Webb: Textile Artist, Chantelle Hermiston: Textile Artist, Urs Dierker: Textile Artist, James Bolton: Key FX Costumer, Saman Hamid: Key FX Costumer, Ray Wong: FX Costumer, Hayley Stolee-Smith: FX Costumer, Gwen Barton: FX Costumer, Matt Sherren, FX Costumer, Monica Lee: FX Costumer, Kiga Tymianski: FX Costumer, Heetesh Patel: FX Sculptor/Molder, Ananthy Rajah: FX Sculptor/Molder, Scott Patterson: FX Sculptor/Molder, Kevin Morra: FX Sculptor/Molder, Daniel Baker: FX Sculptor/Molder, Chris Cooper: FX Sculptor/Molder, Set Supervisor: Kymn Keating, Truck Supervisor: Chelsea Oliver: Assistant Set Supervisor: Tara Thompson, Assistant Set Supervisor: Melesia Llewellyn, BG Coordinator/Assistant BG Coordinator: Melanie Lian, BG Set Supervisor: Eyob Desalgne
Costume Design in Film - Contemporary
Costume Designer: Patti Henderson, Assistant
Designer: Laura DeLuca, Costume Coordinator: Rachael Poklitar, Costume Illustrator: Emily Campbell, Costume Set Supervisor: Casey Downes, Truck Costumer: Carolyn Bradshaw, Key Breakdown Artist: Grant MacDonald, Breakdown Artist/Costumer: Leah Stebelko, Seamstress: Lea Felbermair, Costume Assistant: Tess Furtado
Costume Designer: Trysha Bakker
India Costume Consultant: Riyazali Merchant, Assistant Designer: Donna Butt, Costume Supervisor: Janet Cavanagh, Buyer: Barbara Cardoso, Buyer:Lindsay Devlin, Costume Tracker: Marilena Pearson, Costume IT/ Media Assistant: Ella Bakker- Moffitt, Breakdown Artist: Anna Pantcheva, Cutter: Gail Leger,Key Set Supervisor: Alan Chau, Costume Truck Supervisor: Eileen Gano, Costume Assistant: Erin Holman, Costume Background Coordinator: Danielle Connor, BG Supervisor: Moira McCallum, Assistant Supervisor:Tania Redenko, Costume Assistant:Kathy Marsh.
Costume Designer : Jennifer Lantz
Assistant Designer : Minda Johnson, Supervisor : Alisha Robinson, Buyer : Mara Zigler, Breakdown Artist : Emma Lees Set Supervisor : Erminia Diamantopoulos, Set Supervisor : Cayley Jensen, Truck Supervisor : Natalie Ellis, Seamstress : Holly Caverly, Swing : Faith Campbell
Costume Designer: Caroline Cranstoun
Assistant Costume Designer: Maria Tyson, Costume Supervisor: Janice MacIsaac, Buyers: Jojo MacDowall,& Ayla McIninch, Cutter: Alison Roy, Stitcher: Rick Yuen, Costume Supervisor: Susan O'Hara, Set Costumer: Silke Guglielmo, Truck Costumer: Grace Delahanty, BG Costumers: Cathie Mann & Sandra Holm
Night Raiders
Costume Designer: Kendra Terpenning
Assistant Costume Designer: Joey Watson, Set Supervisor: Kurupae Rikihana, Truck Supervisor: Ashley Offredi, Costume Assistant: Gwendolyn Preboy, Key Breakdown: Jennifer Lantz, Costume Apprentice: Theresa Stevenson
Costume Design in Film - Period
Costume Designer: Valerie Halverson
Assistant Designer: Jennifer Cummer, Set Supervisor: Kevin Kim, Truck Costumer: Sara Siraj, BG Costumer: Michelle Nixon
Costume Designer: Patti Henderson
Assistant Costume Designer: Charl Boettger, Costume Coordinator: Amanda Isaak, Costume Set Supervisor: Laura DeLuca, Truck Costumer: Carolyn Bradshaw, Background Coordinator: Leah Stebelko, Breakdown Artist: Leah Stebelko
Costume Designer: Avery Plewes
Assistant Costume Designer: Laura Gardner; Costume Supervisor: Sophie King-Hyslop, Costume Buyers: Julia Cronin, Roslyn Griffith-Hall; Costume Set Supervisor: Tracy-Lee Guerin; Truck Supervisor: Susan Nycz; Background Costume Coordinator: Claire Levick; Assistant Background Costume Coordinator: Ming Wong; Costume Tracker: Lindsay Jacobs; Breakdown Artist: Eryn Reid; Costume Assistant: Margaux Daly
Nightmare Alley
Costume Designer: Luis Sequeira
Assistant Costume Designer: Ann Steel, Costume Supervisor: Suzanne Aplin, Costume Coordinator: Claire Levick, Costumes Tracker: Michele Kokkinakis, Costume On-Set Supervisor: Jozie Conte, Set Costumer: Christina Cattle, Costume Truck Supervisor: Susan Nycz, Cast #1 Personal Dresser: Wayne Godfrey, Cast #2 Personal Dresser: Elayne Alexander, BG Set Supervisor: Rebecca McDermid, BG Supervisor: Amy Sztulwark, BG Coordinator: Hanne Whitfield, Buyer Coordinator: Heather Crepp, Buyers: Anita Bacic, Nathalie Gysel, Sara Schilt, Gillian Steinhardt, Cat Wadden, Key Cutter: Tamiyo Tomihiro, Cutter/Tailor: Philip Atfield, Cutter/Milliner: Loreen Lightfoot, Cutters: Carla Mingiardi, Ahmad Zargaran, BG Cutter: Lisa St. Germain, Sewers: Sylvie Bonniere, Jaya Ducharme, Rebecca Fowler, Judy MacDougall, Alyssa Nasvadi, Ying Zhao, BG Sewers: Teresa Artibello, Heather Rautiainen, Key Breakdown Artists: Meghan Ancheta, Melanie Turcotte, Co-Key Breakdown Artist: Tamara Rigby-Funke, Breakdown Artists: Katy Clement, Bob Welsh, Debbie Williams & Jonathan Girard, Costume Assistants: Tess Barbieri, Julia Campisi, Lisa Prince, Charlotte Robertson, Sidney Sproule, Jean Wong, Costume PA’s: Roberto Balinado, Leyla Godfrey, Shila Rashid, Jacqueline Rossini
Costume Design in Film & TV - International
The Harder They Fall
Costume Designer: Antoinette Messam
Assistant Costume Designer: Whitney Galitz, Supervisor: Conan Castro Jr, Coordinator” Margaret Flaszynska, Head Tailor/Cutter” Erica Ciaglia, Tailors: Paula Trujillo & Debra Chapman, Head Ager/Dyer: Jesse Trevino, Assistant Ager/Dyer: Susan Kohl, Set Costumers: Brian Barela, Bradford Booth, Tiffany Rink, & Michelle Kelly, 2nd Unit Set Costumer: Jeffry Cookie Compton, 2nd Unit Truck Costumer: Andrew Sanchez, Buyer/Truck Costumer: Kit Noller, Key Costumer: Jill Machlis, BG Costumer/Buyer: Neishea Lemle, Buyer: Catharine Stuart, Concept Artist” James Casey Holland
Costume Designer: Negar Nemati
Assistant Designer: Majid Mozaffari, Shaghayegh Manouchehri.
Shadow and Bone 105, Show Me Who You Are
Costume Designer: Wendy Partridge
Assistant Designer: Fanni Dimeny, Supervisor: Lilla Vasari, Co-ordinator: Ronda Borneman, Key Breakdown: Aniko Varga